The LJA Board consists of 10 elected members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a representative from each of the six sections. Board meetings are held each year in the months of May, June, July, and September. An Annual LJA meeting is held each year in June following the Lake John Association Lake Improvement District meeting. Attendance is open to all, regardless of membership status, but only LJA members can vote for officers and representatives if they are in good standing.
Contact with general questions, concerns, or suggestions or an officer with email listed below with relevant questions to their role. Members are encouraged to reach out to their section representative by referring to their annual LJA Directory.
Vice President/
Acting President
Joleen Sytsma
Jon Bigalk
Kelly Kosloski
Section Representatives
Section 1
Leanne Liebsch
Section 2
Neysa Silver
Section 3
Kim Droegemueller
Section 4
John Greenwood
Section 5
Jim Vos
Section 6