Your membershsummer2015ip helps support many avenues in an effort to maintain present/future joys of having a cabin/home on Lake John

Benefits of joining the Lake John Association include:

  1. You, as a member, are updated on many lake issues such as invasive species/control options.
  2. The Lake Association has six section representatives who field your concerns & suggestions.
  3. Membership dues and donations provide a fund to purchase chemicals, equipment, and divers needed to control/eradicate invasive species.
  4. Dues also pay for lab testing of water several times during the year in an effort to safeguard lake water quality.  Water clarity is also monitored throughout each open water season.
  5. Our close working relationship with the DNR and the local conservation officer provides many benefits.  The DNR:
    1. Stocks the lake with walleye fingerlings every 2 years.
    2. Sprays for invasive species like loosestrife when notified by Association.
    3. Shares lake/fish studies with the Lake Association (check out the website!)
  6. Lake John Association is a member of the Wright County Coalition of Lakes Association (COLA) and the Minnesota Lakes & Rivers Organization. Joining with these organizations gives us all more power as a united group.  These organizations provide strong representation in local, county, and state government policy decisions concerning river, lake & cabin life. Combined efforts have led to keeping the state’s fund for the fight against aquatic invasive species & the fight to make tax rates lower for lake property.
  7. The annual meeting provides:
    1. A convenient and fun/fast way to meet other Lake John members with similar interests and a way for you to speak up with your concerns.
    2. Speakers who present interesting & informative topics. (Members can request topics and printed literature).
  8. A prize is awarded to the lake member who guesses the day ice goes out on Lake John.
  9. Paid members receive a yearly updated directory of member addresses/phone #’s/emails.
  10. Information concerning grants, shore land restoration or lake vegetation is easily available upon request, on our website, and through our close relationship with the Wright County Soil & Water Conservation District.
  11. Membership supports many things that help ensure many years of enjoyable living on Lake John.  The Association is another source for information & connections with contacts to support your needs & problem solutions concerning cabin/lake. The Lake John Board of Directors are an experienced team that can tackle problems & concerns associated with our lake.  We have contacts that know members of our team at the DNR, COLA, Planning & Zoning, MN Lakes & Rivers, Freshwater Scientific, Wright County Sheriff’s Office, & this increases our chance of success when tackling issues. The Association also supports the LID, Lake Improvement District.