Loon Photos June 29, 2018
Photos by Kirk Linderholm.
Photos by Kirk Linderholm.
There are at least two pair of loons with chicks on the lake this summer. One pair has a single chick and the other pair has two. Thank you to Joe Fleskes for capturing these beauties last week.
Happy summer Lake John residents! A loon nest was spotted this past weekend on Lake John. Loons nest lakeside and incubate their eggs for 27 to 30 days. Hatchlings leave the nest on their first day and are able to … Continued
As Fall officially arrives, I must say it’s very boring in the Northern Part of Lake John. It’s dominated with Sea Gulls. One young Loon still hangs around, but not seen every day. Once in a while a couple of … Continued
I have not written much this year because I have not seen much…. We had no loon family to watch in the Northern Nursery. We did have a pair that seemed to attempt nesting at Rocky Point early in the … Continued
Loon Watch Submitted by Bruce Nystrom. I am pleased to report that we have two families with at least 1 chick. They are located near “cat-tail island” and the far Southwest corner of Lake John. I viewed both of them … Continued
Part 1: Juvenile Loon Update (submitted by Elaine Fleskes) The juvenile loon was spotted on the lake around the middle of August with a large rapala caught on its wing. The DNR conservation officer was called and Brian came out … Continued
Thanks to resident Kirk who was out fishing one evening this week and snapped some photos as the loons were checking out his bait.
Northern Nursery family intact and feeding in shallow water along North Shore. Two chicks nearly full grown, but coloring not yet sharp. Adult still assisting chicks with fishing/feeding, but they are taking care of themselves more and more each observance. … Continued
I toured our lake this afternoon. No sign of a family in the Southern Nursery, but they could have been hiding among the docks and boats on the East Shore? There were some powerboats operating on the lake in the … Continued