Your Dues/Donations go to Funding these Projects

Here are some of the things the Lake John Association Board of Directors, Section Reps and volunteers have on its’ year to year “to do list” to keep Lake John’s beauty for future generations.

1) Growth of Eurasian Water Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed has been reduced by the Association because of continuous chemical treatment as needed with the support of the LID, Lake Improvement District.

2) We are members of MN Lakes & Rivers which is involved in lobbying efforts to lower taxes, control invasives, create grant funding, to maintain & improve lake quality.

3) We keep in contact with the many departments of ever changing Sheriff and DNR personnel to make sure we are on top of issues; some examples are illegal dumping at the landings, damage to facilities at the landing and frost heaves at the landing.

4) We stay vigilant & organize searches when news reaches us of issues in the area.

5) We try to prepare our annual spring meeting for an informative & fun event.

6) We do water level monitoring to keep on top of any serious water level changes through the years.

7) We have a bog committee for moving and securing large bogs with the support of the LID, Lake Improvement District.

8) Checking of lake clarity & water analysis is done weekly/monthly to monitor the lake’s health. This is sent to Wright County SWCD & RMB labs and kept on record for yearly comparisons.

9) One loon nest has been built/anchored & is watched to aid the loons we are so blessed with.

10) We stay in check with the DNR to make sure we are on top of any new guidelines, rules, & laws.

11) We hold a minimum of 4 board meetings & discuss lake issues, collection of dues, tracking expenses, organizing the annual meeting, auditing the books, keeping a handle on land use surrounding the lake, gravel pits, septic system upgrades, water run off as well as aerial pesticide spraying.

12) We belong to the Minnesota Coalition of Lakes Association (COLA). This lets us see & compare what is going on with other lakes in Wright County and unite with other associations to voice our needs to the township, County and State.

We can always use more volunteers and funds to provide these services.

Now you see there are many things that go on behind the scenes.  Believe it or not the vast majority of lakes in our area also have lake associations now, but this was not always the case.  In most years we spend $10,000 to $20,000 on our efforts to fight invasives.  If we get the new invasive threat of Starry Stonewort, it must be attacked early and often and our costs for trying to control this invasive will be much more. Lake Sylvia just spent $25,000 just to treat Starry Stonewort and they are retreating again because the first treatment did not do what was hoped.

For any questions or clarity concerning this listing in more detail, contact your section representative.