Become a Member

1. Complete the
Lake John Association Dues Form

2. Make Check Payable to
with Memo/For “LJA Dues”

3. Mail Form and Payment to
Lake John Association
PO Box 437
Annandale, MN 55302


Donate by sending your gift by check payable to LJA with Memo/For LJA Donation

Mail Donation to
Lake John Association
PO Box 437
Annandale, MN 55302

LJA is thankful for your Membership & Donations

Protecting and preserving the resources contributing to the natural beauty of Lake John.

Membership dues are collected annually and fund the operation of our organization, support events sponsored by the LJA, and fund critical needs as they arise such as invasive species or migrating bogs. These funds are supported by additional gifts given by our members beyond dues. Over 50% of LJA members make extra donations each year.

Donations of any amount can also be made from anyone who visits and enjoys Lake John and supports the LJA purpose, objective and goals to preserve the lake for years to come.


  • Completion of numerous lake monitoring activities, including:
    • environmental testing and education
    • water quality and lake level monitoring
    • culvert ingress/egress management
    • floating bog control
    • loon observations
  • Completion of a carp study
  • 12% increase in Membership totaling 102 household members
  • 14 local businesses paid to have their business advertised in the newsletter, resulting in additional revenue to the LJA
  • Bog relocation permit obtained in the spring, allowing the LJA to relocate floating bogs to the southwest end of the lake.  Numerous bogs were relocated by volunteers throughout the year. 
  • Funds directed toward fish stocking program 
  • 3rd Annual LJA Golf Tournament Fundraiser held in August