Submitted by Bruce Nystrom
Wow, 8 PM on July 8th. Slight wind from the South, partly sunny skies. The Northern Nursery loon family is near the North Shore of Lake John.
A few “calls.” Not alarms but I am not sure what they mean. Adults are still feeding the chick, but the chick dives, displays his feathers some and is
certainly changing from Downy to Feathery. These guys survived the 4th of July traffic and noise in good form, (I think).
Several people I have talked to that do not live on Lake John say they do not have Loons or Chicks on their lakes. WE ARE VERY FORTUNATE TO HAVE TWO FAMILIES THIS YEAR. If you have friends or relatives visit our Fantastic Lake John, please remind them of our State Bird and the law that they try to maintain a 200 foot distance or at least a slow speed and avoidance posture. I know they can pop up anywhere, but usually we can have fun around them. I know I am an Advocate for our Loons, but we all would miss them if we abuse them. Please be LOON ALERT……