Loon Watch June 29, 2016

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I toured our lake this afternoon.  No sign of a family in the Southern Nursery, but they could have been hiding among the docks and boats on the East Shore?  There were some powerboats operating on the lake in the early afternoon; so they might have been in safe harbor.  The Northern Nursery family is doing great.  I see them almost daily.  Yesterday they were right around my dock and neighbors’ docks for almost an hour.  Both chicks are nearly full grown, diving for food, and showing more and more independence.  Adults are still providing most of their nourishment.  No sign of Canada Geese today either, but I did not go into Finger Bay due to the EM infestation down there.  I am certain both Families nested between Rocky Point and the DNR boat landing, but they did not use the nest platforms we have provided for years.  My understanding is that loons will continue to use nesting habitat that they have used successfully in past years.  Also, pairs mate for life and return to the same lake year after year.  For more Looney Info:  www.loon.org is a great resource.  I still see “boaters” moving too close and too fast to our Loons.  Please keep your distance.

Submitted by Bruce Nystrom