The following is an announcement from the WC COLA (Wright County Coalition of Lakes Association) and DNR on Wednesday, July 29, 2015 7:56 AM.
To: WC COLA Zebra Mussel Monitoring Leads and Other Stakeholders
Re: Conference call Wednesday, 8/5 11amCT with DNR regarding Clearwater Zebra Infestationd.
To help provide up-to-date information and keep in touch with each other the Wright County Coalition of Lake Associations will host an informational call with the DNR regarding the Clearwater zebra mussel infestation. We will have Chris Jurek (DNR AIS Regional Office) and Tim Edgeton (DNR Access Inspections) on the call to answer questions. Also, Steve Irwin (President of Clearwater lake association) and Joe Jacobs (Wright Soil and Water Conservation District) will be on the call to update us on current activities.
WHEN: Wednesday, August 5th, 11am CT
DIAL-IN: 1-302-202-1104 Conference Code 921204
Attendees will be muted: for the Q&A session, press 5* to ask a question
- Please feel free to send Kathy Jonsrud (Cedar) your questions in advance ( Chris and Tim and we will start the call with the submitted questions.
- Attached is the DNR report with a map of the Clearwater Zebra infestations.
- Feel free to pass the information and call dial-in on to others who may be interested.
Here is the DNR Report: